
109學年第2學期課程請至升級版Moodle 3.7平臺使用!

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109學年第2學期課程請至升級版Moodle 3.7平臺使用!
2020年 12月 31日(木曜日) 12:12 - 管理員 帳號 の投稿

109學年第2學期課程請至升級版Moodle 3.7平臺使用!/Upgrade to Moodle 3.7 for Spring 2021 Courses

Moodle 3.7平臺將匯入108全學年及109學年第1學期課程,具有響應式設計便於行動裝置使用。

Moodle 2.81.9平臺仍會暫時保留,但系統及資料不再做更新及匯入,僅供資料查詢用。考量平台設備的活用性,Moodle 1.9預計於1106月關閉並停止服務

Moodle 2.8平臺待109學年第1學期課程結束後(依本校課務組訂定上課日至110115日),系統人員會將課程資料轉移至3.7版平臺。

1101月份將舉辦三場次Moodle 3.7全面升級說明會,活動詳情請參考報名網址(https://forms.gle/We4FUB2nakkq9YHb7),歡迎教師踴躍報名。



All courses from Fall 2019 to Fall 2020 semesters will be uploaded onto Moodle 3.7, which, with its new responsive web design, is aimed to provide better user experiences for mobile device users.

Moodle 2.8 and Moodle 1.9 will be available for course browsing only. Data-update and course-upload services of these two platforms will no longer be provided. Services on Moodle 1.9 will be terminated in June 2021.

In addition, all courses on Moodle 2.8 will be transferred onto Moodle 3.7 after the end of the Fall 2020 Semester, which falls on January 15, 2021.

Three Information Sessions on the Moodle 3.7 upgrade will be held in January 2021. For details of these sessions, please refer to the registration website (https://forms.gle/We4FUB2nakkq9YHb7). All instructors are welcome to register.